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BAMAKO, Mali (AP) ? A military official says a suicide bomber has driven a car loaded with explosives to a checkpoint on the outskirts of Timbuktu, blowing himself up at the western gate of the city.
It was the second suicide attack on the town this month.
The official, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said that at least one soldier was injured in the attack Saturday night at about 10 p.m., while the jihadist died in the detonation.
Resident Age Djitteye says he heard a loud explosion and gunfire.
For 10 months until this January, Timbuktu was ruled by al-Qaida's affiliate in Africa. The city was liberated by French forces on Jan. 28.
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About 150 to 200 patients of Dr. W. Scott Harrington, who's accused of unsanitary practices, line up outside the Tulsa Health Department North Regional Health and Wellness Center to be screened for hepatitis and the virus that causes AIDS, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Tulsa, Okla. Oklahoma officials say 7,000 patients of Harrington's in the past six years will receive letters that warn that poor hygiene at Harrington's two clinics created a public health hazard. (AP Photo/Tulsa World, James Gibbard) ONLINE OUT; TV OUT; TULSA OUT
About 150 to 200 patients of Dr. W. Scott Harrington, who's accused of unsanitary practices, line up outside the Tulsa Health Department North Regional Health and Wellness Center to be screened for hepatitis and the virus that causes AIDS, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Tulsa, Okla. Oklahoma officials say 7,000 patients of Harrington's in the past six years will receive letters that warn that poor hygiene at Harrington's two clinics created a public health hazard. (AP Photo/Tulsa World, James Gibbard) ONLINE OUT; TV OUT; TULSA OUT
This Thursday, March 28, 2013 photo shows the dental offices of Dr. Scott Harrington at 2111 S. Atlanta Place in Tulsa, Okla. Health officials on Thursday, March 28, 2013 urged thousands of patients of an Oklahoma oral surgeon to undergo hepatitis and HIV testing, saying unsanitary conditions behind his office's spiffy facade posed a threat to his clients and made him a "menace to the public health." (AP Photo/Tulsa World, Michael Wyke) ONLINE OUT; TV OUT; TULSA OUT
This 1977 license picture provided by the Oklahoma Board of Dentistry shows Dr. Scott Harrington. Health officials urged thousands of patients of Harrington, an oral surgeon, to undergo hepatitis and HIV testing, saying unsanitary conditions behind his office's spiffy facade posed a threat to his clients and made him a "menace to the public health." (AP Photo/Oklahoma Board of Dentistry)
This Thursday, March 28, 2013 photo shows the dental offices of Dr. Scott Harrington at 2111 S. Atlanta Place in Tulsa, Okla. Health officials on Thursday, March 28, 2013 urged thousands of patients of an Oklahoma oral surgeon to undergo hepatitis and HIV testing, saying unsanitary conditions behind his office's spiffy facade posed a threat to his clients and made him a "menace to the public health." (AP Photo/Tulsa World, Michael Wyke) ONLINE OUT; TV OUT; TULSA OUT
TULSA, Okla. (AP) ? About 150 to 200 patients of a Tulsa oral surgeon accused of unsanitary practices queued outside a health clinic Saturday, hoping to discover whether they had been exposed to hepatitis or the virus that causes AIDS.
Letters began going out Friday to 7,000 patients who had seen Dr. W. Scott Harrington during the past six years, warning them that poor hygiene at his clinics created a public health hazard. The one-page letter said how and where to seek treatment but couldn't explain why Harrington's allegedly unsafe practices went on for so long.
Testing for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and the virus that causes AIDS began at 10 a.m. Saturday, but many arrived early and stood through torrential downpours.
Kari Childress, 38, showed up at the Tulsa Health Department North Regional Health and Wellness Center at 8:30 a.m., mainly because she was nervous.
"I just hope I don't have anything," said Childress, who had a tooth extracted at one of Harrington's two clinics five months ago. "You trust and believe in doctors to follow the rules, and that's the scariest part."
Inspectors found a number of problems at the doctor's clinics in Tulsa and suburban Owasso, according to the state Dentistry Board, which filed a 17-count complaint against Harrington pending an April 19 license revocation hearing. According to the complaint, needles were reinserted into drug vials after being used on patients, expired drugs were found in a medicine cabinet and dental assistants administered sedatives to patients, rather than the doctor.
One patient, Orville Marshall, said he didn't meet Harrington until after he had two wisdom teeth pulled about five years ago at the Owasso clinic. A nurse inserted the IV for his anesthesia; Harrington was there when Marshall came to.
"It's just really scary. It makes you doubt the whole system, especially with how good his place looked," said Marshall, 37.
An instrument set reserved for use on patients with infectious diseases was rusty, preventing its effective sterilization, and the office autoclave ? a pressurized cleaner ? was used improperly and hadn't been certified as effective in at least six years, according to the complaint.
Dr. Matt Messina, a practicing dentist in Cleveland and a consumer adviser for the American Dental Association, said creating a safe and hygienic environment is "one of the fundamental requirements" before any dental procedure can be performed.
"It's not hard. It just takes effort," he said.
Weekly autoclave testing can be performed for less than $400 annually, according to the website of the Autoclave Testing Services of Pearl River, New York.
Autoclaves themselves typically can be purchased for $1,000 to $8,000, depending on their size and features. And an average dental practice can expect to pay more than $40,000 a year in equipment, tools and supplies alone, according to several dental organizations.
Attempts to reach Harrington have been unsuccessful. No one answered the door Thursday at his Oklahoma home, which property records show is worth more than $1 million. His practice a few miles away, in a tony section of Tulsa where plastic surgeons operate and locals congregate at bistros and stores like Saks Fifth Avenue, has a fair-market value of around $851,000.
Property and tax records show Harrington owns another residence in Carefree, Ariz., in an area of upscale homes tucked into in the boulder-strewn mountains north of Phoenix.
Nobody was at home Saturday at the low-slung, 1950s-style vacation home, across from the tony Boulders Resort. Neighbors said they had seen a lot of activity at the home in recent weeks.
Harrington's malpractice lawyer, Jim Secrest II, did not respond to phone messages left Thursday or Friday. A message at Harrington's Tulsa office said it was closed and an answering service referred callers to the Tulsa Health Department.
Nursing student Anisa Lewis, 22, said her friends recommended Harrington's practice when she had to get her wisdom teeth taken out in 2005.
"I'm a little nervous because I read the complaints filed against him, and in nursing school, we're taught how to handle and clean our instruments, she said. "It was very shocking to read some of the allegations," which she called "far beyond the pale of the precautions you're supposed to be taking."
Susan Rogers, the executive director of the state Dentistry Board, said her agency has a budget of around $1 million, much of that generated from license renewal fees and dentist certification. It has only five employees to monitor more than 2,000 dentists, and the staff does inspections only if the agency receives a complaint.
"With three incoming telephone lines and essentially one person handling the phones, emails, snail mail, renewals, new license/permit applications, walk ins ... we will miss phones calls," the board's website says.
"So follow the instructions on the message," the site says. "We will respond to your request as soon as we can in the order in which it is received, but it will take time. We appreciate your patience."
Associated Press writer Traci Carl contributed to this report from Carefree, Ariz.
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Mar. 29, 2013 ? A new study found that obstructive sleep apnea, a common form of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), is associated with increased rates of ADHD-like behavioral problems in children as well as other adaptive and learning problems.
"This study provides some helpful information for medical professionals consulting with parents about treatment options for children with SDB that, although it may remit, there are considerable behavioral risks associated with continued SDB," said Michelle Perfect, PhD, the study's lead author and assistant professor in the school psychology program in the department of disability and psychoeducational studies at the University of Arizona in Tucson. "School personnel should also consider the possibility that SDB contributes to difficulties with hyperactivity, learning and behavioral and emotional dysregulation in the classroom."
The five-year study, which appears in the April issue of the journal SLEEP, utilized data from a longitudinal cohort, the Tucson Children's Assessment of Sleep Apnea Study (TuCASA). The TuCASA study prospectively examined Hispanic and Caucasian children between 6 and 11 years of age to determine the prevalence and incidence of SDB and its effects on neurobehavioral functioning. The study involved 263 children who completed an overnight sleep study and a neurobehavioral battery of assessments that included parent and youth reported rating scales.
Results show that 23 children had incident sleep apnea that developed during the study period, and 21 children had persistent sleep apnea throughout the entire study. Another 41 children who initially had sleep apnea no longer had breathing problems during sleep at the five-year follow-up.
The odds of having behavioral problems were four to five times higher in children with incident sleep apnea and six times higher in children who had persistent sleep apnea. Compared to youth who never had SDB, children with sleep apnea were more likely to have parent-reported problems in the areas of hyperactivity, attention, disruptive behaviors, communication, social competency and self-care. Children with persistent sleep apnea also were seven times more likely to have parent-reported learning problems and three times more likely to have school grades of C or lower.
The authors report that this is the first sleep-related study to use a standardized questionnaire to assess adaptive functioning in typically developing youth with and without SDB.
"Even though SDB appears to decline into adolescence, taking a wait and see approach is risky and families and clinicians alike should identify potential treatments," said Perfect.
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Maybe it's that $169 price, or maybe it's the inclusion of an honest-to-goodness memory card reader, but we know some of you can't wait to get your mitts on HP's new Slate 7 Android tablet. Back when it was first announced, the company indicated it'd be available by April, but it would seem that plan has changed: the product page on HP's site is now saying the Slate won't arrive until sometime in June. We're not sure why there's a delay (we're asking for comment), but we do know this can't be good news for HP. By June, after all, Google I/O will have come and gone, and the next-gen Nexus 7 might already be on sale.
[Thanks, jmartj]
Update: HP has confirmed that it made a mistake in listing a June 2013 arrival date on the Slate 7's product page. In fact, the tablet is still slated (har) to arrive in April. Carry on.
Source: HP
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Th? foods ??? eat n?t ?n?? play a role ?n h?w ??? feel, th?? ??n ???? impact th? way ??? look. An unhealthy diet ??n mean ???? skin, dry hair, brittle nails ?n? blemishes, ?m?n? a whole host ?f ?th?r problems.
Best beauty detox foods
W??re sharing ??m? ?f th? best foods ??? ??n eat t? boost n?t ?n?? ???r appearance b?t ???? ???r overall health.
W? ??k?? Kimberly Snyder, celebrity nutritionist ?n? author ?f Th? Beauty Detox Foods, t? share ??m? ?f th? healthiest ? ?n? m??t beauty-boosting foods ? t? add t? ???r diet.
Cabbage m??ht n?t b? pretty t? look ?t, b?t ?t ???? ?h?w th?t beauty-boosting foods don?t always h??? t? b? exotic ?r rare t? b? beneficial. ?Cabbage contains vitamins A, C ?n? E, m?k?n? ?t a ?r??t skin ?n? hair food,? ???? Snyder. ?It ?? n?t commonly known th?t cabbages actually contain ?b??t 11 percent more vitamin C th?n oranges b? weight, ?n? vitamin C ?? th? super anti-aging nutrient th?t helps heal ??m???? tissues ?n? boosts collagen production,? ?h? ??????n?. ?It?s ???? high ?n fiber, wh??h ?? ?m??rt?nt f?r ongoing cleansing, a critical component ?f boosting beauty.? Chop ?t ?nt? salads, add ?t t? stir-fries ?n? stir ?t ?nt? soups.
Turmeric ?? popping up ?n more ?n? more m??t-try lists due t? th? number ?f health benefits ?t offers. ?Turmeric keeps red blood cells fr?m clumping, promotes th??r formation, increases circulation ?n? aids ?n tissue healing,? ???? Snyder. ?B?????? ?t helps increase circulation via better blood flow, turmeric helps m?k? th? skin more glowing, supple ?n? healthy looking,? ?h? adds. ?Cleansed blood ???? helps prevent acne ?n? skin disorders.? U?? turmeric ?? a seasoning ?n sauces, marinades ?n? dressings.
If ??? want clear, glowing ?n? blemish-free skin, m?k? sure lemons ?r? ??rt ?f ???r daily diet. ?Lemon aids w?th digestion b? increasing th? secretion ?f bile fr?m th? liver, wh??? ???? acting ?? a strengthening agent f?r th? liver?s enzymes. An? support t? th? liver, wh??h ?? ??r primary detoxifying organ, ?? going t? h??? clear up acne ?n th? long r?n,? ??????n? Snyder. ?Lemon ?? ???? a vitamin C-rich citrus fruit th?t helps bring a radiant glow t? ???r complexion, fighting wrinkles ?n? rejuvenating skin fr?m within. It ???? contains th? minerals calcium, potassium ?n? magnesium.? Sip warm lemon water ?n th? morning (?r through th? day) ?n? ??? lemon ?? a seasoning f?r seafood ?n? salad.
Th? food-beauty connection
Th? connection between food ?n? beauty ?? a strong one. J??t b? changing th? foods ??? eat, ??? ??n m?k? a b?? change ?n th? way ??? look ?n? feel. Beyond ???t numbers (counting calories, carbs, etc.), Snyder ???? th?t ?t?s ?m??rt?nt t? take ?nt? account h?w a food digests ?n ???r body (?f ?t ?? alkaline-forming ?r acid-forming, whether ?t ?? non-processed, contains fiber, etc.). ?Wh?n w? eat lots ?f acid-forming foods w? ?r??t? toxicity ?n th? body ?n? tend t? hold onto more weight. Alkaline-foods m?k? ??r body more alkaline, ?n? wh?n ??r body ?? more alkaline w? ?r? generally more b???t?f??, healthy ?n? balanced,? ?h? ??????n?. ?Th? truly alkaline foods ?r? fresh fruits ?n? vegetables, wh??h ?r? ???? loaded w?th fiber.?
Y?? ??n t??? a lot ?b??t a person?s diet b? th??r looks. Snyder meets many young women w?th faces th?t ?t?rt t? look hard ?n? lined ?t a f??r?? young age, something ?h? calls th? ???? skinny? look. ?It ?? n? surprise th?t m??t ??? ?f th?m ?r? eating a mostly acidic diet ?n?/?r ?r? constipated. Constipation ?? th? death ?f beauty; th? holding ?n ?f toxicity ?n? waste, wh??h th?n recirculate, wh??? space ?n th? body f?r oxygen t? flow through decreases,? ?h? ??????n?. ?Adding more fiber ?? critical. Th? easiest way t? ?? th?t ?? t? h??? a Glowing Green Smoothie ???r? day.? W? ??k?? Snyder t? share th? recipe (see below). Each 16-ounce serving supplies ??m??t 13.5 grams ?f fiber.
Beauty detox m??t-haves
Ready t? stock ???r fridge w?th th? best ?n beauty detox foods? Aside fr?m th? items already mentioned, Snyder shares a few ?th?r foods ?h? always h?? ?n hand.
Salad ingredients: Stock up ?n ??rk leafy greens ??k? kale, spinach ?r romaine, ?n? sprouts, ?? th?r? ?? n? excuse n?t t? toss together a q???k salad ?t lunch ?n? dinner.
Q???k dinner ingredients: Always keep lemons ?n hand, ?? well ?? quinoa, squash, sweet potatoes ?n? avocados. ?Th??? ?r? easy foods t? grab ?n? th?t store well f?r ?t ????t a few days, ?? ????re never ?n a h??? bind,? ???? Snyder. ?Y?? ??n always cook quinoa ?n 12 minutes ?n? eat a b?? salad w?th ?t ?? a simple dinner.?
Healthy snacks: If ??? ??k? t? snack, keep veggie sticks ?n? hummus ?r salsa around, ?r even ??m? gluten-free crackers.
?Stocking ???r house w?th th??? ????-f?r-??? ingredients means ????ll b? more willing t? snack ?n those wh?n ????re hungry. G? t? th? grocery store ?t ????t once a week.?
G?t glowing w?th th? Glowing Green Smoothie
Th? N?. 1 thing Snyder recommends t? ??? ?f h?r celebrity clients ?? t? ?t?rt drinking h?r Glowing Green Smoothie ???r? day f?r breakfast t? kick-?t?rt th??r healthier lifestyle. ?It?s such ?n easy way t? boost ???r beauty ???r? day ? ???r skin w??? ?t?rt t? glow. It?s packed w?th more greens th?n m??t people w???? ??t ?n ?n entire day, though th? fruit ?n? lemon h??? ?t taste yummy,? ?h? ????. ?Y???ll ingest a ?r??t deal ?f vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants ?n? minerals, plus ?t w??? give ??? a h??? boost ?f energy th?t ??? wouldn?t ??t fr?m a standard breakfast.?
1 1/2 cups water
1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
3-4 stalks organic celery
1/2 ?f a large bunch ?f spinach ?r 3/4 ?f a small bunch ?f spinach
1 organic apple, cored ?n? chopped
1 organic pear, cored ?n? chopped
1 organic banana
Juice ?f half ?f a fresh organic lemon
1/3 bunch organic cilantro (stems OK)
1/3 bunch organic parsley (stems OK)
Add th? water ?n? chopped head ?f romaine t? th? blender. Starting th? blender ?t low speed, mix until smooth.
Gradually moving t? higher speeds, add th? celery, apple ?n? pear. Add th? cilantro ?n? parsley ?? desired. Add th? banana ?n? lemon juice last.
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Contact: Andy Henion
Michigan State University
EAST LANSING, Mich. Students perform better when their instructors use hand gestures a simple teaching tool that could yield benefits in higher-level math such as algebra.
A study published in Child Development, the top-ranked educational psychology journal, provides some of the strongest evidence yet that gesturing may have a unique effect on learning. Teachers in the United States tend to use gestures less than teachers in other countries.
"Gesturing can be a very beneficial tool that is completely free and easily employed in classrooms," said Kimberly Fenn, study co-author and assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University. "And I think it can have long-lasting effects."
Fenn and Ryan Duffy of MSU and Susan Cook of the University of Iowa conducted an experiment with 184 second-, third- and fourth-graders in Michigan elementary classrooms.
Half of the students were shown videos of an instructor teaching math problems using only speech. The others were shown videos of the instructor teaching the same problems using both speech and gestures.
The problem involved mathematical equivalence (i.e., 4+5+7=__+7), which is known to be critical to later algebraic learning. In the speech-only videos, the instructor simply explains the problem. In the other videos, the instructor uses two hand gestures while speaking, using different hands to refer to the two sides of the equation.
Students who learned from the gesture videos performed better on a test given immediately afterward than those who learned from the speech-only video.
Another test was given 24 hours later, and the gesture students actually showed improvement in their performance while the speech-only students did not.
While previous research has shown the benefits of gestures in a one-on-one tutoring-style environment, the new study is the first to test the role of gestures in equivalence learning in a regular classroom.
The study also is the first to show that gestures can help students transfer learning to new contexts such as transferring the knowledge learned in an addition-based equation to a multiplication-based equation.
Fenn noted that U.S. students lag behind those in many other Western countries in math and have a particularly hard time mastering equivalence problems in early grades.
"So if we can help them grasp this foundational knowledge earlier," she said, "it will help them as they learn algebra and higher levels of mathematics."
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Andy Henion
Michigan State University
EAST LANSING, Mich. Students perform better when their instructors use hand gestures a simple teaching tool that could yield benefits in higher-level math such as algebra.
A study published in Child Development, the top-ranked educational psychology journal, provides some of the strongest evidence yet that gesturing may have a unique effect on learning. Teachers in the United States tend to use gestures less than teachers in other countries.
"Gesturing can be a very beneficial tool that is completely free and easily employed in classrooms," said Kimberly Fenn, study co-author and assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University. "And I think it can have long-lasting effects."
Fenn and Ryan Duffy of MSU and Susan Cook of the University of Iowa conducted an experiment with 184 second-, third- and fourth-graders in Michigan elementary classrooms.
Half of the students were shown videos of an instructor teaching math problems using only speech. The others were shown videos of the instructor teaching the same problems using both speech and gestures.
The problem involved mathematical equivalence (i.e., 4+5+7=__+7), which is known to be critical to later algebraic learning. In the speech-only videos, the instructor simply explains the problem. In the other videos, the instructor uses two hand gestures while speaking, using different hands to refer to the two sides of the equation.
Students who learned from the gesture videos performed better on a test given immediately afterward than those who learned from the speech-only video.
Another test was given 24 hours later, and the gesture students actually showed improvement in their performance while the speech-only students did not.
While previous research has shown the benefits of gestures in a one-on-one tutoring-style environment, the new study is the first to test the role of gestures in equivalence learning in a regular classroom.
The study also is the first to show that gestures can help students transfer learning to new contexts such as transferring the knowledge learned in an addition-based equation to a multiplication-based equation.
Fenn noted that U.S. students lag behind those in many other Western countries in math and have a particularly hard time mastering equivalence problems in early grades.
"So if we can help them grasp this foundational knowledge earlier," she said, "it will help them as they learn algebra and higher levels of mathematics."
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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All Critics (64) | Top Critics (24) | Fresh (56) | Rotten (8)
The film offers rewards for the patient viewer as it examines conflicting visions of love played out in a remote faith-based community.
An austere but subtly textured retelling of a 2005 news story in which a young woman died during an exorcism.
Fascinating [and] anguishing ...
Cristian Mungiu's "Beyond the Hills" moves so effortlessly through the gnarly intersection of love, loss, God and godlessness that you barely notice how much he's doing, and with such effortless grace.
Of all the movies culminating in a rite of exorcism, Romanian writer-director Cristian Mungiu's remarkable "Beyond the Hills" stands alone.
One of the year's most powerful films.
Such is the rigorous and high-minded nature of Romanian cinema that even a real-life exorcism story can inspire something loftier than a horror movie.
Heartbreak at a Romanian convent
...Cristian Mungiu has taken a real life consider deeply human philosophies such as freedom vs. discipline, love vs. security, the choices facing those without financial recourse and the hypocrisies of organized religions.
I found it riveting to watch and fascinating to think about afterwards.
An undeniably tough watch.
Stark, deadpan, and darkly dry.
With this viscerally involving drama, acclaimed Romanian filmmaker Mungiu (4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days) tells another strikingly original story of women caught between old and new world beliefs.
Mungiu is not preaching - he is telling us what can happen when people are trapped within their own emotions and circumstances. Remarkable.
Mungiu's human comedy leaves off where it begins (spoiler alert): out in the middle of nowhere, no direction home.
...if Beyond the Hills is an exorcism movie, the scariest thing about it is that there isn't a demon to be found.
The film's final shot goes straight to the story's heart and the spectator's. Amazing grace. Now at last we know what those words mean.
...quiet, but also quietly devastating, with detours down the roads of intolerance, mercilessness, cold rejection of outsiders' experiences, mystical and subjective interpretation of "signs," overt woman-on-woman misogyny and brutally strict penance...
A slowly, quietly riveting passion play for a nation grappling with secularism and modernity.
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The actress won't attempt to take Senator Mitch McConnell's seat representing Kentucky in the U.S. Senate, according to a tweet published on Wednesday and confirmed by her publicist. McConnell's seat is one of 14 Republicans are defending in 2014.
By Roger Alford,?Associated Press / March 27, 2013
In this file photo, actress Ashley Judd, a Kentucky native, speaks at a Democratic get-out-the-vote rally. Judd announced Wednesday she won't run for U.S. Senate in Kentucky against Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.
AP Photo/Brian Bohannon, File
EnlargeActress Ashley?Judd?announced Wednesday she won't run for U.S. Senate in Kentucky against Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, saying she had given serious thought to a campaign but decided her responsibilities and energy need to be focused on her family.
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The former Kentucky resident tweeted her decision.
"Regretfully, I am currently unable to consider a campaign for the Senate. I have spoken to so many Kentuckians over these last few months who expressed their desire for a fighter for the people & new leader," Judd?wrote.
"While that won't be me at this time, I will continue to work as hard as I can to ensure the needs of Kentucky families are met by returning this Senate seat to whom it rightfully belongs: the people & their needs, dreams, and great potential. Thanks for even considering me as that person & know how much I love our Commonwealth. Thank you!"
Her publicist Cara Tripicchio confirmed?Judd's?decision.
The 44-year-old?Judd?had hinted last week that she was nearing a decision about the race.
Now living in suburban Nashville, Tenn.,?Judd?has said little publicly about her intentions. However, she has been meeting with several Democratic leaders, including Gov. Steve Beshear, to discuss a possible run.
Defeating McConnell would be the Democrats' biggest prize of the 2014 election. His seat is one of 14 that Republicans are defending while Democrats try to hold onto 21, hoping to retain or add to their 55-45 edge.
The star of such films as "Double Jeopardy" and "Kiss the Girls" is known for her liberal political views and she would have been running in a largely conservative state where Republicans hold both Senate seats and five of the six seats in the U.S. House.
Former State Treasurer Jonathan Miller, a?Judd?supporter, said she would have been a strong candidate.
"As a Kentuckian and someone who was really enthusiastic about her as a candidate, this wasn't the news I was hoping for," Miller said. "But as her friend, from the first time we talked about the race last summer, I was very candid about the grueling nature of politics. It's become a very unpleasant business and running against Mitch McConnell would be an extraordinarily difficult and grueling experience."
McConnell, who spent some $20 million on his last election and who has already raised $10 million for the next one, had already been taunting would-be Democratic challengers in a comical online video intended to raise second thoughts about taking on a politician known as brawler. The video plays on the fact that?Judd?lives in Tennessee.
Republican-leaning group American Crossroads in its own online video also plays on the Tennessee angle and ties her closely to President Barack Obama, who is unpopular in Kentucky.
University of Louisville political scientist Laurie Rhodebeck said?Judd?certainly wasn't frightened out of the race.
"She doesn't strike me as a shrinking violet," Rhodebeck said. "I think the real issue would be how much disruption she wanted in her life. This was the kind of thing that she would have to throw herself into 100 percent in order to make it worthwhile."
Judd?and three-time Indianapolis 500 winner Dario Franchitti separated early this year after marrying in his native Scotland in 2001.
Judd's?decision not to enter the race leaves the Democratic Party in search of a candidate. Many of Kentucky's top Democrats, including Beshear, have said they won't run. However, a rising star within the party, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, hasn't ruled the race out. Grimes declined comment Wednesday evening through her spokeswoman, Lynn Sowards Zellen.
Associated Press writer Janet Cappiello contributed to this report.
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The partnership means that anyone who gets their hands on an OUYA and happens to have a MakerBot Replicator 2 can design and print custom cases for their console. OUYA helped create 3D printing design kits, which are available on MakerBot's website for anyone to use. OUYA sees the hardware customization as an extension of their commitment to having an open console.
If you're willing to spend the time (and money) on a 3D printer, there's no reason in their eyes that you shouldn't have a custom case around your OUYA. MakerBot plans to show off the first 3D printed OUYA consoles at the launch event tomorrow in San Francisco, so be on the lookout for some crazy new designs.
Source: MakerBot (BusinessWire)
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0?American adoptive parents of the 3-year-old boy must be brought to court over Maxim?s death,? Russia?s children's rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov said.
0He voiced his indignation over the fact that the U.S. has not yet handed over all data concerning the investigation of the boy?s death to the Russian Investigative Committee, though some details were made available to the media.
0Maxim Kuzmin died in Texas on January 21, 2013. The recently published autopsy results say that the boy?s death was accidental, and the bruises found on his body had resulted from self-injury as Maxim was not mentally stable. ?
0The autopsy report of a three-year-old Russian boy adopted by a Texan couple concludes that the child had more than 30 bruises on his body as well as other signs that he was routinely injured.
0The medical document released to the Odessa American suggests that the foster family, who have also adopted the victim?s brother, were struggling to provide proper care for Maksim Shatto but examiners believe that the injuries were due to self-injury stemming from a serious mental condition.
0The medical examiner found abrasions, scrapes and bruises on the boy?s body.
0Max?s adoptive father has said that the boy was constantly hitting his head at home and had serious behavioural issues.
0The mother had previously told the authorities that Maksim used to claw himself, which she tried to prevent by cutting his nails short and having him wear gloves at night.
0The boy, born Maksim Kuzmin, died January 21 after his adoptive mother Laura Shatto found him unresponsive outside their home in Gardendale, Texas.
0Last week?US prosecutors said that no charges would be made in the case due to lack of evidence.
0Moscow has repeatedly blamed the adoptive couple for the death of the child based on abusive treatment. But the US authorities claim Maksim?s death was an accident.
0Russia, U.S. to hold consultations on destiny of adopted children soon - ministry
0Russia and the United States will soon hold consultations and will in particular discuss the destiny of two Russian children adopted to the U.S., Kirill Kuzmin and Yegor Shatabalov, Voice of Russia's Olga Denisova reports.
0"We plan to hold relevant consultations soon during which we will receive exhaustive information on the investigations on the deaths of Russian children. Then we [will discuss] the issue on the latest two cases related to Kirill Kuzmin and the re-adoption of Yegor Shatabalov," Russian Deputy Education and Science Minister, Igor Remorenko, said while speaking at a "governmental hour" in the Russian State Duma.
0Kirill Kuzmin's brother, Maxim Kuzmin, died in his adoptive family. Yegor Shatabalov, Kuzbass native, was adopted several years ago by a U.S. woman, who as it later transpired was in a same-sex marriage.
The Russian official said that several requests have been sent to the U.S. State Department. In these requests Russia raises the issue that in certain cases agreement on conditions in which Russian children live in U.S. adoptive families has been violated, Remorenko said.
0"In particular, we've stated that if conditions in which a child lives change, we are entitled to demand them to provide other living conditions, including the child's return to Russia," Remorenko said.
0?The Russian official said that regardless of the ban Russia introduced on U.S. citizens, the Russian-U.S. agreement on adoption remains in force until January 1, 2014. "This allows us to demand that the U.S. side fulfill the agreement on regulations related to control over living conditions and upbringing of adopted children," Remorenko said.
0Voice of Russia, RIA, RT
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FILE - In this Wednesday, March, 10, 2010 file photo, self-exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky leaves the High Court in London after winning his libel case against a Russian broadcaster that accused him of masterminding the murder of a former Russian agent in London. Russia?s transition from a Kremlin-controlled economy to a free market in the 1990s brought on a wave of contract killings as criminals, entrepreneurs, and corrupt officials tried muscle each other out of lucrative businesses. The recent death of 67-year old Boris Berezovsky, which remains unexplained, has revived fears that the assassins that have long stalked oligarchs and opposition figures back in Russia have been making their home in the U.K. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)
FILE - In this Wednesday, March, 10, 2010 file photo, self-exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky leaves the High Court in London after winning his libel case against a Russian broadcaster that accused him of masterminding the murder of a former Russian agent in London. Russia?s transition from a Kremlin-controlled economy to a free market in the 1990s brought on a wave of contract killings as criminals, entrepreneurs, and corrupt officials tried muscle each other out of lucrative businesses. The recent death of 67-year old Boris Berezovsky, which remains unexplained, has revived fears that the assassins that have long stalked oligarchs and opposition figures back in Russia have been making their home in the U.K. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)
A British police officer stands guard by a cordoned off road leading to the residence of Boris Berezovsky near Ascot, a town 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of London, Monday, March 25, 2013. There was no evidence to suggest anyone else was involved in the death of Boris Berezovsky, the self-exiled Russian tycoon who went from Kremlin kingmaker to fiery critic, British police said Sunday. With an investigation under way, police are treating the death of Berezovsky ? who fled to Britain in the early 2000s after a bitter falling out with Russian President Vladimir Putin ? as unexplained. But the former oligarch survived assassination attempts and recently faced financial difficulties, prompting speculation as to whether his death was part of a conspiracy ? or suicide. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)
LONDON (AP) ? A post-mortem examination found that self-exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky died by hanging, and there was nothing pointing to a violent struggle, British police said.
Thames Valley Police said Monday that further tests, including toxicology examinations, will be carried out. The force did not specify whether the 67-year-old businessman hanged himself, but they have said there was no evidence to suggest anyone else was involved in the death.
Once one of Russia's richest men and a Kremlin powerbroker, Berezovsky fled to Britain in 2001 and claimed political asylum after a bitter falling out with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He became a vocal critic of the Kremlin.
Berezovsky had survived several assassination attempts in Britain and Russia, including a car bomb in 1994 that killed his driver.
Berezovsky's body was found by an employee on the bathroom floor at his upscale England home on Saturday. The employee called an ambulance after he forced open the bathroom door, which was locked from the inside. Police said the employee was the only person in the house when Berezovsky's body was discovered.
A forensic examination of Berezovsky's home will continue for several days, police said Monday.
A mathematician-turned-Mercedes dealer, Berezovsky built up his wealth during Russia's chaotic privatization of state assets in the 1990s following the breakup of the Soviet Union. In return for backing Russian President Boris Yeltsin, he gained political clout and opportunities to buy state assets like oil and gas at knockdown prices.
Berezovsky helped build Putin's power base but fell out of favor when the new president moved to curb the ambitions of the oligarchs. The tycoon was charged in Russia with fraud and embezzlement.
Berezovsky later associated himself with ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, another Kremlin critic. Litvinenko died after ingesting polonium in his tea at a London hotel in 2006.
In recent years, Berezovsky's fortunes declined with numerous expensive court cases.
Last year, Berezovsky lost a huge legal battle against former business partner and fellow Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich, which left him with legal bills of at least 35 million pounds ($53.3 million.)
Berezovsky had said that Abramovich, the billionaire owner of Chelsea Football Club, cheated him out of his stakes in the oil group Sibneft, arguing that he blackmailed him into selling the stakes vastly beneath their true worth after he fell out of Putin's favor.
But a judge threw out the case in August, ruling that Berezovsky was a dishonest and unreliable witness, and rejected Berezovsky's claims that he was threatened by Putin and Alexander Voloshin, a Putin ally, to coerce him to sell his Sibneft stake.
In 2010 Berezovsky also took a hit with his divorce from Galina Besharova, paying a settlement estimated to be as high as 100 million pounds.
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At the World Series of Fighting's second show on Saturday, one-time UFC welterweight won over one-time UFC heavyweight champ Andrei Arlovski. As seen in the highlights above, Johnson had Arlovski hobbled at the end of the first round, but Arlovski was saved by the bell. Arlovski's jaw was reportedly broken in the bout that was Johnson's first fight at heavyweight.
As a welterweight who was bigger than other 170 lbers in the UFC, he struggled with his weight cut and missed weight three times. He moved to light heavyweight last August, and now won his heavyweight debut.
In other WSOF action, Marlon Moraes won his fourth straight by knocking out Tyson Nam with a headkick. Paulo Filho, the troubled one-time WEC champ, dropped a decision to Dave Branch.
Josh Burkman knocked out Aaron Simpson in the first round. After the fight, he said the win earned him a title shot, but questioned if one-time UFC title contender Jon Fitch had earned the WSOF title shot against him.
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LONDON (AP) ? Five people have been jailed in Britain for pretending to make a Hollywood movie in a scam to defraud tax authorities of millions of pounds.
The fraudsters were convicted earlier this month of attempting to bilk the government of 2.8 million pounds ($4.2 million) in a plot reminiscent of the Academy Award-winning hit "Argo" ? but without that movie's heroic hostage rescue.
Prosecutors said the fraudsters claimed to be producing a made-in-Britain movie with unnamed A-list actors and a 19 million-pound budget. But officials say the project was a sham to claim back millions in taxes.
Bashar Al-Issa, described as the leader of the fraud, was jailed Monday for six and a half years. The others were sentenced to around four years each.
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JeeYeon Park , CNBC ? ? ? 28 min.
Stocks bounced off their worst levels but still ended in negative territory Monday, as initial euphoria over Cyprus fizzled and even after Eurogroup head's Jeroen Dijsselbloem backtracked on his previous comments that the island nation's bailout is a template for bank rescues.
Stocks slumped near session lows shortly after the open after Dijsselbloem said the Cyprus rescue represented a new template for resolving euro zone banking problems and that other countries may have to restructure their banks. But the spokeswoman for Dijsselbloem backtracked on the comments.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished lower, dragged by Bank of America and 3M. Earlier in the session, the blue-chip index briefly hit a fresh intraday high for the ninth time. The index still remains on track for its best first-quarter percentage gain since 1998.
The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq also closed in negative territory. The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, rallied above 14.
(Read More:Why the S&P 500 Just Can't Break its Record High)
All key S&P sectors were in the red, led by industrials and materials.
(Read More: Where's the Long Awaited Market Correction?)
"Investors need to keep an eye on Cyprus, but the situation is nowhere near the magnitude of the Greece crisis in the Fall of 2011," wrote Randy Frederick, managing director of active trading and derivatives at Charles Schwab. "With the S&P 500 up sharply in 2013 there are risks; however, the risks are substantially lower this time and that means traders should consider a correction or any pullbacks to be a buying opportunity."
The euro fell below $1.29 against the U.S. dollar, briefly tumbling to its lowest level since mid-November.
"This is evidence of a bigger problem: the lack of coherent leadership in the EU," said Brian Battle, director at Performance Trust Capital Partners. "They're proscribing austerity and pain rather than competitiveness and growth."
Meanwhile, a Central Bank source told Reuters that most Cyprus banks would remain shut until Thursday, reversing an earlier decision which said most banks would reopen on Tuesday after a week-long shutdown. Earlier, the Central Bank had announced most banks would open on Tuesday, with the exception of Popular Bank and Bank of Cyprus, the island's two largest lenders which would reopen on Thursday.
Cyprus and its international lenders reached a deal merely hours before a deadline to resolve the island nation's financial crisis and avert the country's exit from the euro zone. The 10 billion euro ($13 billion) deal involves the winding down of Cyprus' second largest lender, the Popular Bank of Cyprus, and imposes a levy on uninsured deposits over 100,000 euros ($130,000) in Cypriot banks.
(Read More: Cyprus Relief: Why the Rally May Be Short Lived)
"Despite a deal being struck for Cyprus, it will set an unsettling precedent for future bailouts and investors will once again be concerned over the security of their bank deposits," wrote Mike McCudden, head of derivatives at stockbroker Interactive Investor. "Furthermore, investors should question why the regulators allowed the Cypriot banking system to rise to this size, given the experiences in Iceland and Ireland."
Among earnings, Dollar General rose after the discount retailer posted earnings that beat expectations and said this year's sales growth could top the strength it saw in 2012.
Apollo Group surged to lead the S&P 500 gainers after the for-profit education company posted a better-than-expected profit and reaffirmed its full-year forecast.
Elsewhere, shares of Dell jumped after the company confirmed it had received competing offers from Blackstone Group and billionaire investors Carl Icahn as the computer giant looks to go private. The offers come as the company agreed to a $24.4 billion deal to be taken private by private equity firm Silver Lake.
Facebook declined, falling to its lowest level this year, after U.S regulators approved a plan to compensate market makers who lost money in the social-media giant's IPO on the Nasdaq last May.
Apple traded higher after the tech giant acquired WiFiSlam, a startup company that makes mapping applications for smartphones.
Also among techs, BlackBerry extended sharp losses from last week after the smartphone maker's new BlackBerry Z10 launch failed to generate buzz. In addition, Goldman Sachs cut its rating on the company to "neutral" from "buy."
Vodafone rallied amid a U.K.'s Sunday Times report that said telecommunications company was looking to sell its 45 percent stake in its U.S. Verizon Wireless unit.
Meanwhile, New York Fed President William Dudley said the Federal reserve must remain very accommodative because the labor market remains "far from healthy" despite some recent overall economic improvement.
Information from Reuters was included in this report.
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