About Breast Cancer Symptoms and Breast Cancer
Cancer is one dangerous disease which can attack every part of human body. There are many types of cancer diseases have been found and analyze by the doctor and scientist. Many people have become the
victim of the cancer disease. Cancer is the disease which attacks our human cell. Cancer usually damages our cell and spread the damage around our body. Because of that, people who gain the cancer disease will gain worst body shape day by day if it is not handling carefully. The cancer diseases usually do not give any sign when it appears in our body in the first time. People will gain the symptoms when the cancer cell have attack a lot of our cell.
There are no any clear causes of the breast cancer. Doctor and scientist still cannot give the factors which cause the appearance of the cancer in breast. There is only one probability factor which cause the cancer. It is the family history which is said as the probability of the appearance of cancer disease in human body. Because there is no clear factor what cause the cancer in breast, so people will need to prevent the symptom of the disease. People can have the immediate treatment when they are feeling the symptoms of the cancer. The symptoms of the
cancer in breast are the painful feeling in the breast area, appearing of weird bump in the breast area, and in the worst level people can experience the bleeding from the nipple. There is also other prediction of cancer in breast appearance. Women is the most fragile to gain the disease of cancer. The Chinese women are the most race who really fragile in gaining the cancer disease. It is the result of the cancer in breast area study which is made by many scientists. When the symptoms of the cancer of breast appear, we are suggested to go to the clinic or hospital as soon as possible.
If people have gained the cancer in their breast area, they need to have the treatment to cure it. The treatment will gain high rate to success if the level of the cancer disease is still in low or middle step. If the cancer disease has reached the top level, it is very hard to cure it. There are two methods which are usually used to solve the cancer disease in breast area. The methods are lumpectomy and mastectomy. Lumpectomy is the method which removes the cancer cell and small part of breast part. And the mastectomy is the method which removes a whole breast to prevent the cancer cell spread widely to the body. Mastectomy is the final method for solving the high level cancer disease.
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Email : moc.liamgnull@54321orbgnabmab
Telp : +628561480356
Website : http://www.123cancer-info.com/
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