Wisconsin (Sandy Cullen-Wisconsin State Journal) ? A Madison man and his wife have been arrested for allegedly torturing and starving the man?s 15-year-old daughter, who told authorities she was forced to live in the basement of their home on the city?s Southeast Side for years.
The girl, who weighs about 70 pounds, told authorities she was forced to drink her urine and eat her feces, according to a police affidavit. Yes, you read that correctly.? She said she was forced to live in the basement of the home?at 4609 Treichel St. since about 2006, eating only what she could pick off the floor, find in the laundry or take out of the garbage, and that she has been physically injured by both her father and stepmother.? She?s fifteen now, that puts her at nine or ten, when she was first sent to the basement.? What could a child that old have possibly done, to deserve this?? Forced to drink her own piss?? Eat her own??? Another story I read said that her parents?stuck her face in her own feces, AS IF SHE WERE A DOG?? COME ON MAN!?
How soulless does someone have to be, to?force a child to rationalize with the reality that eating from the family garbage, off the floor, and out of the dirty laundry ? is what they have to do in order to survive?? Fifteen years old and only weighing 70 pounds???
Chad G. Chritton, 40, and Melinda J. Drabek-Chritton, 42, were being held Tuesday in Dane County Jail. Bail for each was set at $20,000.? Nope!? Read on, it?s much higher than that?.? Sick fucking bastards.

Dane County Sheriff's Office Madison residents Chad G. Chritton, 40, (left) and his wife, Melinda J. Drabek-Chritton, 42, were arrested Friday for allegedly torturing and starving Chritton's 15-year-old daughter who was forced to live in the basement of their Southeast Side home.
Joshua P. Drabek, 18, the girl?s stepbrother, also was arrested on an alleged probation violation.? Care to know what that probation violation was?? I?ll give you a hint; it?s for doing what he is accused of doing to his step sister but with a 13-year-old.? I?ll give you the ugly details about that pervert,?in a minute.
A doctor specializing in child abuse who examined the girl Friday said she suffered from ?serial torture with prolonged exposure to definite starvation,??Madison police spokesman Joel DeSpain said.? I guess it?s easier?to deal with this sort of thing if you can slap a sterile, text-book label, on it.?
Dr. Barbara Knox of American Family Children?s Hospital told police the malnutrition the girl suffered ?poses a significant risk of death? and that chronic starvation had caused her puberty to be arrested, the affidavit states. Knox also said that because of the starvation and severe malnutrition, the girl would be at high risk for other disorders and complications that can lead to death.?
DeSpain said a passerby notified McFarland police after seeing the girl walking barefoot and wearing only pajamas a few blocks from her home on Feb. 6. In other words, the girl escaping just to be found on the street, barefoot, in a freezing cold Wisconsin winter, was her?final?option to stay alive.? She would rather risk dying in the street of exposure like an animal, than go on living like that.? How pitiful is that?? This is a child we?re talking about.? No child in America should ever have to contemplate such a thing.? Her parents should be horse whipped!? Paramedics were called to evaluate the girl, who was taken to a Madison hospital.
According to the affidavit, the girl told authorities she fled the residence because she was afraid ?Melinda was going to throw me down the stairs.? She said she had been let out of the basement?to ?clean some papers? for Drabek-Chritton, who became angry because she wasn?t doing it fast enough and threatened to throw her down the stairs.? At 70 pounds, it probably wasn?t that much of a challenge for that COW to do.? Amazing, perhaps?if she ?cleaned? her own papers up, she might have gotten some much-needed?exercise, and dropped a few pounds.? Hey mom, tell the nice people about how you made her clean the house NAKED, in front of her step brother and?younger half-brothers!? ALSO, tell the nice folks about how you threatened to slit her throat as well?.
DeSpain said the girl?s father initially gave police medical explanations for her condition, but a hospital social worker told police there was likely much more to the case.? Naw?? really???? Ya think?
DeSpain said the girl was forced to spend most of her time in the basement without a bathroom and was given little to eat, and an alarm would sound if she went upstairs.? An alarm that would sound if she tried to go upstairs?? What kind of mind decides to do such a thing?? An ALARM?? Seriously????
According to the affidavit, Drabek-Chritton was home-schooling the girl.? Yeah, sounds like it!
Police searched the home Monday and seized potential evidence, DeSpain said.
Drabek-Chritton has owned the home in the Twin Oaks neighborhood near McFarland since 2005, purchasing it from Habitat for Humanity.? Imagine that, Jimmy Carter has a soft spot for psychotic child abusers.
Perry Ecton, CEO of Habitat for Humanity of Dane County, confirmed Monday evening that Melinda Drabek had applied with Habitat in 2004 and closed on the home in December 2005 as a single mother with two boys.?Ecton said there was no mention of a girl in the application?to his knowledge and that Chad Chritton was referenced in the application as the ?father of one of the boys and a friend ? not living in the home.?? Sounds like a there were a couple of real winners, running the show in this family, huh?? Ecton added that families accepted into Habitat go through an extensive background check, which includes a credit report, landlord verification, employment verification and searches of Wisconsin court records and sex offender registries. Habitat also requires an in-home visit with families before they are allowed to move in.? This way they can double-check that they?re giving the home to decent people, I?m sure.? Always have to double-check.
?Habitat?s first and foremost priority in this situation is the health and well-being of the girl,? Ecton added.? At this point, what the hell does Habitat have to do with any of this?? Seriously, do they have any?influence on what is to become of this girl??
In 2007, an unnamed person alleged the girl may have been molested by a family member, but the girl did not corroborate the allegation?and she appeared healthy at the time, DeSpain said. Oh just wait, she?s sure the hell talking NOW!? A detective told other agencies involved to contact police if the girl disclosed more information about the allegation.
America, this story just gets worse and worse from here.
According to at least one of the other stories I read about this incident; when asked about why they had an alarm to alert if the daughter had left the basement, dad said that the rest of the family lived in?FEAR of the girl.? Get this; he said that she was kept in the basement in order to ?protect? everyone else from her bad behavior.? He went on to tell police that they had found knives under the girls bed, and once he had awoken to her standing over him with a knife.?
When confronted by police with these statements, police said that the girl looked ?confused.?
Now to mommy dearest over there?? You remember that mom was ?home schooling? the girl, right?? Well she was, sort of?? During a search of the home, police said that the only school books that they had found, which substantiate the claim of the girl?s stepmother, was a reading book, intended for a 3rd grader, and two other books?which were geared more towards children in the 7th grade.? According to police, the two intended for 7th graders did not appear to have ever been opened!? When police told Mrs. Drabek-Chritton that they wanted to see the girls bedroom, she?initially took the officers to?the upstairs bedroom of her two youngest sons, thinking she was going to pass that?bedroom off, as?her step-daughters.? The bedroom belonged to two boys, one 4, the other 7.
With a move that brilliant, does anyone else question her ability to home school anyone?

Joshua Drabek, 18, step-brother of the teen
This now brings us to the last of those arrested in relation to this case.? Although he was not mentioned much in the above story, Mr. Joshua Drabek, 18, is undoubtedly the worst part of all of this.? Already on probation for a charge of sexual assault of a child from last year, which involved him having sex with a 13-year-old child,?the 15-year-old girl told police that Drabek?had been trying unsuccessfully to have intercourse with her since 2006, when she was only 9 or 10.? She went on to say that she was forced by Drabek?to perform oral sex on him over 10 times since then.? When she tried to tell her father and step-mother about it, they reacted as though they believed the girl was lying.
Once they had learned that police were intending to execute a search warrant on their home, Mr. and Mrs. Chritton?moved Drabek?to his grandfathers home, so as to avoid investigators.? Obviously, they must not have thought the girl was lying after all?
As if everything else she had to endure wasn?t bad enough, this guy saw what was happening, and used it to his advantage, in order to get off.
The girl and her two younger half brothers are currently in foster care.? Since being placed in foster care, the girl is reported to have gained 17 pounds and is doing much better.? When she was found, she was reported to have the height of an 11-year-old, and the body weight of a 9 year-old.? Little is know about the condition of the two youngest siblings at this time.
Father, Chritton, is currently being held in Dane County jail?on $22,500 bond.? Mother, Chritton-Drabek,?and son, Drabek?are?also in Dane County.? Chritton-Drabek?is being held on $30,000 bond and Drabek is being held on $25,000.?
The girl?s biological mother has been out of the picture for quite some time.? She is living in another state and is married to a registered sex offender.? She has had no contact with the girl, and had relinquished all of her parental rights to the girl.?
With stories like this going on, I think it?s about time for Uncle Gaslamp to start teaching parenting courses.? Give me 5 minutes with some piece if shit, and I?ll show you what a size 13 1/2 work boot and a ball bat can accomplish.? Positive results GUARANTEED!
Sources for story:???? http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime_and_courts/madison-man-and-wife-arrested-for-allegedly-torturing-starving-man/article_b0c5405e-5756-11e1-819b-001871e3ce6c.html?????http://www.postcrescent.com/article/20120216/APC0101/202160523/Police-Malnourished-girl-found-wandering-streets-Madison-had-been-abused-years???? http://www.postcrescent.com/article/20120217/APC0101/202170464/Stepbrother-charged-sexual-abuse-Wisconsin-teen?odyssey=mod|mostview???? http://lacrossetribune.com/news/local/charges-filed-against-family-members-for-abuse-of-teen/article_8253db7e-5961-11e1-8d23-0019bb2963f4.html??? http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime_and_courts/charges-filed-against-family-members-for-alleged-torture-starvation-sexual/article_dfe162ca-58e4-11e1-b919-001871e3ce6c.html?sourcetrack=moreArticle
Related content:???? http://gaslamppost.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/starving-naked-9-year-old-found-wandering-the-streets-naked-here-in-america/
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