I have early detection of breast cancer, breast removal. Was wondering the survil rate? And also would like t
I have early detection of breast cancer, breast removal. Was wondering the survil rate? And also would like t
Was wondering the survil rate.Like to hear from anyone on remidex I have so many side efects.Like to hear about others
Answer by bj p
congratulations on early detection! According to Komen.org, the 5 year survival rate of people with early detection is 96%. Healthy eating, exercise, monitoring of other cysts and a good network of friends, family, and other survivors all play a role in helping you live a long and fruitful life.
The Susan G. Komen foundation has tons of information for you, and your local hospital might even have some support groups. Talk to your doctor about the side effects, there are sometimes other medications that can help you.
Answer by mortal_sinner
sorry to knw that sis????
plz tk care and Im sure someone out here vl figure out u?re questions??..
hv faith and b strong.
Answer by rose
hi! i hope this would make you feel better. My mom was diagnosed with breast CA 8 years ago, she was on stage 3, she had undergone mastectomy (her left breast was removed). She had undergone so much pain physically and emotionally, BUT survived. 8 years had passed and she?s ok now, a cancer survivor. There is a cure for cancer IF detected early with proper medical intervention and a lot of FAITH.
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